Plinest Fast  - Dr Audrey & Dr R Clinic

Plinest Fast 

What is

Pilnest Fast?

Plinest Fast is derived from PN-HPT™ (Polynucleotide – Highly Purified Technology), which is a DNA fragment extracted from Italian Trout Fish using HPT™ technology developed and patented by Mastelli Aesthetic, Italy.

What are the benefits of Plinest Fast?

  • Revives tired-looking eyes
  • Reduce dark eye circles
  • Before and after blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)
  • Reduces superficial wrinkles or fine lines


The eye and periorbital area and it can also be used over the forehead, neck and hands.

Typically around 45 minutes including the application of numbing cream and for its effect to set in

One of the advantages of the Plinest Fast treatment is the minimal downtime. Patients can usually return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. However, slight redness, swelling, bruising or itching at the injection site is normal and typically resolves within a few days. Applying a cool pack to the affected area can help alleviate these symptoms

2-3 sessions recommended for results lasting up to 1 year