Dr. Ranmeet Kaur is a Melaka Manipal Medical University graduate with a Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) degree. She started her aesthetics and wellness journey by obtaining her Masters in Anti-Aging, Regenerative Medicine and Medical Aesthetics from UCSI University, Malaysia and actively taking part in various aesthetic focused training courses, forums and conferences.
She then pursued and completed her specialist training in General Practice and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) and a Member of the Academy of Family Physicians Malaysia (AFPM).
She is passionate in both hands on aesthetic skills as well as preventive medicine and wellness. She believes that general wellbeing and external beauty should go hand in hand and strongly advocates on regular general health improvement with healthy lifestyle and health promoting supplements and boosters along with facial aesthetic procedures and individualized skin care regime to give the most natural looking results in both men and women.