Newest - Dr Audrey & Dr R Clinic


What is


NEWEST® is a patented formulation from Mastelli Aesthetic, Italy. The combination of 3 unique ingredients, PN-HPT™, HA, and MN which works synergistically to help you look and feel your confident best.

PN-HPT™ is essential for bio-revitalization, while HA promotes hydration and elasticity. Meanwhile, MN prolongs the effect of HA for a longer-lasting result.

Through the combination of these 3 essential ingredients patented by Mastelli Aesthetic, you get the best skin bio revitalization treatment.

In the presence of HA, the efficacy of PN-HPT™ to stimulate fibroblast increases by 20%. The effects of both these ingredients are then made to last longer with Mannitol (MN) which helps to significantly reduce the degradation of HA by a whole 30%.

In summary, NEWEST® is a precise formulation of the bio revitalization qualities of the PN-HPT™, the hydrating qualities of the HA, and both of these qualities are prolonged by MN.

How does Newest work?

NEWEST is clinically proven to improve OVERALL SKIN HEALTH from WITHIN by


Promoting biorevitalisation to reserve signs of ageing


Regerating fibroblast and collagen to repair damaged skin


Improving hydration and elasticity


Improve overall skin health for a smooth, flawless and radiance skin


Added with Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to enhance hydration, lifting and skin radiance.


  • Immediate yet long lasting skin lifting and hydration which improves skin radiance for a youthful glow
  • Softens and flattens acne scars, wrinkles, pores and fine lines
  • Reverse the signs of aging by stimulating bio-revitalization
  • Repair damaged skin by stimulating fibroblasts and collagen production
  • Increase hydration and elasticity, resulting in a more luminous and smooth complexion

Before & After


Face, Neck, Scalp, hands, body and private parts

How long is the treatment process?

One of the advantages of the Newest treatment is the minimal downtime. Patients can usually return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. However, slight redness, swelling, bruising or itching at the injection site is normal and typically resolves within a few days. Applying a cool pack to the affected area can help alleviate these symptoms

2-3 sessions recommended for results lasting up to 1 year