Revok50 - Dr Audrey & Dr R Clinic


What is


Revok50 is a intensive skin injectable biostimulator. Revok50 is made up of hyaluronic acid that has been stabilized and has a uniform double chain length of 2,200 kDa is combined with L-proline, L-hydroxyproline, glycine, and L-lysine HCl amino acids. Revok50® is an optimal formulation for fibroblastic stimulation of collagen formation and maintenance of the extracellular matrix.

What are the advantages of this injectable biostimulator?

Revok50 stabilizes the electrolytic balance of the extracellular matrix with optimization of the biochemical reactions that take place in it and delays cell apoptosis and tissue aging. Revoke50 exerts an anti-inflammatory and repairing action on connective tissue and it has less susceptibility to endogenous hyaluronidase thanks to its high molecular weight, resulting in a longer duration of treatment effects.

  • Due to high molecular weight, Revok50 is less susceptible than endogenous hyaluronidase, resulting in a longer duration of therapy effects.
  • By optimizing the metabolic events that take place there, it stabilizes the extracellular matrix’s electrolytic equilibrium.
  • This injectable HA is 2.5 times more concentrated than other products on the market.
  • It delays cell apoptosis and tissue ageing.
  • Lastly, it exerts an anti-inflammatory and repairing action on the connective tissue.

What are the benefits of Revok50?

It’s formula has an anti-ageing effect by promoting the stimulation and repair of the skin’s connective tissue and reversing trophic skin changes including wrinkles, scars, stretch marks.

Revok50 helps to

  • Treat skin dehydration
  • Repair injuries caused by environmental agents such as UV radiation and pollution.
  • Improve connective tissue lesions such as stretch marks, scars and other dystrophies.
  • Treat fine and medium wrinkles

What are the contents of Revok50?

Revok50® contains 50 mg. of 2,200kDa hyaluronic acid. and amino acids (L-proline, L-hydroxyproline, glycine and L-lysine HCI). It is a concentration 2.5 times higher than other products on the market.

The skin’s native hyaluronic acid is mainly made up of chains similar to those in the Revok50® composition. Non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid rapidly undergoes enzymatic degradation and breaks down into larger chains. In Revok50® this process is much slower thanks to the use of 2,200 kDa hyaluronic acid chains, which produce hydrogen bonds in an electrochemical process that stabilize the structure (ionic bonds between chains).

Before & After


Face, Neck, Decollete, Arms & Hands

Typically around 45 minutes including the application of numbing cream and for its effect to set in

One of the advantages of the Revok50 treatment is the minimal downtime. Patients can usually return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. However, slight redness, swelling, bruising or itching at the injection site is normal and typically resolves within a few days. Applying a cool pack to the affected area can help alleviate these symptoms

A total of 3 sessions are recommended with the first 2 sessions a month apart and the third session 6 months later for results lasting up to 1 year